There is nothing more exciting than a well planned camping trip. Camping can give you a chance to reflect on yourself and the wonders of nature. It is the perfect time for a hike or building a fire. Camping is a great experience, although it takes some planning. The following article will give you some great tips.
Make sure that your sleeping bag is right for the season and climate where you are camping. Bringing a winter bag camping in summer can cause you to roast all night. On the other hand, bringing a lightweight sleeping bap for a winter trip can make you really uncomfortable the entire trip. Without protection, you are running the risk of developing hypothermia.
Expect that camping is not typically a time you can stay clean easily. As long as you are prepared for getting dirty, you will not feel so stressed out when it happens. Take this as an opportunity to enjoy the freedom, let your hair down, and get a little dirtier than usual. There’s plenty of time for showers and being super clean once you’re home again.
Put together a survival pack and have it on you all the time. Your survival kit should contain a survival knife, water-purifying tablets, waterproof matches, first aid kit, and a flare gun. Your kit may be all that stands between you and certain death if you become lost, as the items within it are essential to survival. Be sure to carry it on your person and not leave it at your campsite.
Dryer Lint
Dryer lint can be used as kindling for starting your campfire. In order to have enough lint to start a fire, begin collecting it a month prior to your trip. To make it easy to collect dryer lint, simply hang a bag next to the dryer and fill with your lint. Your kindling will be ready for you to grab on the way out the door for your trip.
Pack things like oranges when you go camping. They are nutritious, and they also keep mosquitoes away. Once you finish your orange, save the peel. Rub it easily on all your exposed skin for a chemical-free bug repellent.
Do not forget to pack duct tape for your camping trip so that it can solve neraly any problem! It is great for patching your tent, repairing your shoes, fixing your insect netting and various other tasks.
Your children will love to join you on your camping trip, but be sure to plan some fun activities for them. Boredom is something that you will want to avoid at all costs while camping. They may not be used to thing like fishing and pitching a tent. If you don’t normally spend time outside, show them before you go camping.
It’s important to talk with you kids about the dangers of camping. You can always visit websites that illustrate the dangers posed by poison ivy as well as other harmful plants.
Take along items to use while you are camping in the wild. You can take card games, a list for a scavenger hunt, and fishing poles for some entertainment. Children often complain that they’re bored wherever they go, so bring along as many items as you can think of to keep them entertained.
Now you should be ready to conquer your next camping excursion with these tips. Keep them in mind for your next outing. They can help you out immensely, so don’t forget them in order to fully enjoy your camping trip.