Are you scared to try camping because you have never been camping before? Don’t let it keep you from going. With a little confidence and some great advice, you can do it! Fortunately, this is exactly where you need to be to get that advice. Keep reading to pick up some great camping tips.
Remember, wet wood won’t burn right, so nature may not always provide the wood you need. Bringing your own small supply of wood and keeping it dry is a wise decision.
Take a class on how to do first aid. This is especially important if you are taking kids with you. This way, should an accident occur, at least you are properly prepared until help arrives. Do your research properly. Are there any poisonous snakes, plants or any other things you should know before you head out?
A hankerchief is a great item to bring on your trip. These can be used for several things, like drying your hands or holding a hot pot. Its uses are innumerable, so it is smart to always have one available.
Dryer lint makes wonderful kindling to start your campfires with. Collect some lint from your clothes dryer to bring with you. Collecting lint in a bag will allow you to have a fire building tool for your trip. Your kindling will be ready for you to grab on the way out the door for your trip.
When camping alone or in the company of friends, always bring an emergency kit. Your kit’s contents will change depending upon the season and location of your trip, but you should always bring the basics. Take things for specific creatures as well, like antivenom.
Kids generally love camping, but plan some activities for them ahead of time. Far from civilization, kids tend to get bored. The may not be accustomed to activities like pitching a tent or fishing. Teach them about these activities prior to leaving.
If you are a camping amateur, keep your camping adventure near your home. You could run into problems with your gear, or decide to cut the trip short. You might find that you do not have enough clothes or food. A variety of issues could arise if you don’t know what to expect, so being close to home can prevent you from feeling stranded and stuck.
Bringing a dog on your camping trip is fine as long as you bring a leash and keep a close eye on them. Other campers might be fearful of your dog, no matter how friendly he might be. It is important that you respect others while you are camping. Also, dogs can damage your campsite or another person’s campsite if they’re not watched carefully.
Safeguard your food from the local wildlife. This means wrapping things up tightly, keeping them far from your tent, and avoiding some types of food completely. This can prevent an attack.
Extra Blankets
Generally when you camp, you want to live with as little as possible but still be prepared for anything. You need a sleeping bag, but you need to take extra blankets too. This makes sure that any warmth that is not handled by the sleeping bag can be augmented by using extra blankets.
You should now feel empowered to plan a great camping trip. Regardless of if you are camping in your yard or in a faraway place, remember what you have read. Camping is something that you can enjoy frequently at any age.