Get ready to learn everything there is to know about camping. There’s nothing like a nice weekend camping trip to bring your family closer together. Pay attention to the information that follows to gain the most enjoyment from your camping experience.
Sleeping Bag
Pick a type of sleeping bag that happens to be appropriate for the season. Bringing a sub-zero type of sleeping bag to use on a trip in the summer will make you sweat the entire night. Also, during the winter, you should bring a sleeping bag that has down or heavy material. You may even subject yourself to hypothermia.
Take either a bandanna or handkerchief with you when you go camping. This single fabric piece can be used as a carrying bag, hand towel, paper towel, potholder, and blotter. You can use them to pick up hot pans, or to clean up a tiny spill; therefore, you should always have one with you.
Make sure that your bags include oranges, since these double up as both a handy and healthy snack but also serve as an organic and natural repellant of mosquitoes. Keep the peels when you are finished eating them. Rub the peels on your body and mosquitoes will stay away.
Before going to a new place to go camping, you need to know what dangers may be lurking. This involves finding out which spiders are dangerous, whether flash floods are commonplace and whether there are any sheer drops nearby. Every location has its own dangers.
When you are planning a camping trip with children, take some time before you go to talk with them about common camping dangers. Use the Internet to teach them about things like poison ivy and the like, and ensure that they will approach nature with respect and caution.
When you’re new to camping, make sure you camp close to home. That way, if problems arise, you won’t be too far from help. You may come to realize that you should have packed different clothing, or need more food. There are many unexpected problems you may encounter the first time you go camping, so stay close to home.
Duct tape is a handy item to include in your camping gear. It is as convenient for repairs while you are camping as it is at home. This can be used to close up any issues with your air mattress, which can save you money. You could patch a hole or tear in your sleeping bag, tarp or tent. Before embarking on an arduous hike, put it on each foot to stave off blisters. It can even be used to bandage injuries.
Camping is about being one with nature and living off the basics, but it is important to go prepared. While a sleeping bag is a necessity, you should bring extra blankets. This can help you stay warm if it cools down at night or you may use them for extra padding.
Bring all of the essentials that you will need while camping. If you forget a key item, it can destroy the vacation. Making a list and checking things off is a good way to remember everything. You need to include things like; hand sanitizer, fire starters, utility knife, water, tarps, sleeping bags, tents and prepared foods.
Flashlights, spare batteries and an oil lantern are always handy items to have with you on your trip. Many camping spots are remote, so there will not be a glow from city lights guiding you in the dark. Without a flashlight, you could easily stumble and fall or be surprised by local wildlife. Bring flashlights to safeguard against the dangers of darkness.
You should feel secure in knowing everything that you have learned here. If you’re not prepared, your adventure will lack the fun you desire. Fortunately, you should now be prepared.