A camping trip can be a great vacation. You can be close to nature and re-discover yourself. You can build a campfire, as well as go hiking. There are lots of things you can do, and lots of things to do before your next camping trip. Here are some helpful tips to assist you to have that great experience.
Let all the members of your family have a hand in picking your campsite. Discuss things like the state you would like to see, particular parks that interest you and what type of camping experience you are looking for. Since the are so many great options to choose from across the U.S., it might be hard to select only one! If necessary, select a few locations yourself, then let the family decide among your choices.
Before you embark on any camping trip you should be sure you have emergency supplies on hand, like a first aid kit and more. There are certain things you’ll need to include at certain locations (i.e. a snake bite kit.) However, there some basics you should always have with you. If you think there will be snakes, you might want to include antivenom.
Oranges will not only fill you up, but they’ll keep mosquitoes away. After you’ve eaten the flesh of the fruit, save all the peels. When you need bug repellant, rub the peels on your skin to repel mosquitos naturally and on the cheap!
Pillows are a good item to bring to maximize your level of comfort while camping. Your standard pillow that you have at home will not be comfortable if the conditions become humid. They may also get mildew from all the moisture outside. Camping pillows are specially coated to prevent moisture absorption.
Before you plan to camp in an new area, it is important to be aware of any dangers commonly found there. Some examples of dangers are flash floods or poisonous spiders. All camping spots have some dangers associated with them and you want to make sure you pick a spot that isn’t too bad.
When you find your camping spot, put the tent up on top of the patch of ground that is flattest and softest. You will be uncomfortable if you pick a spot that is rocky an uneven. Just lay a tarp at the bottom of the tent to stop water from going into your tent or damaging your tent.
The peel of an orange might save you from mosquito bites on your next camping trip. If everything was packed but you didn’t remember the bug spray, don’t worry! Seasoned campers suggest that you can rub your skin with the inside of an ripe orange peel. This can last a few hours and make your trip a more comfortable one.
Keeping this information in mind and following the advice should help your trip go more smoothly. Apply these tips on your next adventure camping. They can help you out immensely, so don’t forget them in order to fully enjoy your camping trip.