When is the last time you went camping? When you camp, you can have a fun time returning to nature. You can just escape your daily routine for a little while and get away from your every day life. Keep the information here in mind to help make your trip enjoyable.
Survival Kit
Pack a survival kit and carry it on you at all times. Your survival kit needs to have water-purifying tablets, a type of survival knife, a first-aid kit, a flare gun, and waterproof matches. This kit can keep you alive! Carry it at all times.
Make sure your tent is of ample size. This will ensure comfort while inside the tent.
Before going camping, take a course in first aid, especially if you plan to bring children with you. Camping can be very remote, so it is best to be able to deal with emergencies on your own, until help can be reached. Also be sure to do all the research you can about the area. Know the types of wild animals that inhabit the woods and gain understanding of any poisonous snakes or plants nearby.
Attempt a “jungle breakfast” with the younger members of your camping party. Tie to the trees small boxes of cereal, fruit, and juice boxes. Then when your kids get up, let them search for their food. This is a fun game for the kids and makes their camping experience more interesting.
The lint from the dryer actually is great to help start campfires. Start collecting the lint about a month prior to your trip from the filter in your dryer. Just hang a grocery bag next to your dryer and stuff the lint into the bag. By doing this, you’ll have all the kindling you need.
Even if you are roughing it, your camping experience can be brightened by bringing along a small token piece of luxury. Take along some candy, some coffee you enjoy or anything that is lightweight but reminds you of home. Small luxuries can make enduring a camping trip easier.
Your camp should always be set up before the sun sets. If you come to the camp site in an RV, find a parking spot immediately. When you find a camping area, make sure that your tent is pitched on a flat area that isn’t near any unsafe ledges. Making sure this is all done before dark gives you time to become familiar with the area. You will be able to see a lot better, and this will make everything easier.
Children love camping, but be sure that you provide them with activities. Your kids may start to get bored when you are out in the woods. The may not be accustomed to activities like pitching a tent or fishing. Take the time to teach them these skills before the trip, especially if they don’t spend a great deal of time outdoors.
For a better time when you plan your next camping trip, the tips above can be the way to go. Those were just some of the ways you can camp safely and happily. Continue to educate yourself about the many things you can do to improve the camping experience.