If you’ve never been camping, you don’t know what you’re missing. The beauty of a natural setting to wake to each morning and the peace and quiet to lull you to sleep every night is beyond compare. If your lack of familiarity with camping is keeping you from going, then this article will be of guidance and assistance.
Pick a type of sleeping bag that happens to be appropriate for the season. Make sure that your sleeping bags in the summer are not too heavy. On the other hand, you don’t want a lightweight summer sleeping bag if you’re going to be out in the frigid temperatures of wintertime. You might even contract hypothermia.
Take a class on how to do first aid. This is especially important if you are taking kids with you. You will be prepared for any accidents that may occur and can survive until you reach professional medical care. Also, do your research. Be aware of the potential for poisonous snakes, wild animals and other possible wildlife dangers.
A bandana or handkerchief can be a great addition to your camping equipment. A bandana is very versatile and can be used as a blotter, potholder, mini-bag and more. You will find that you can use these in a lot of versatile ways, so bring one along when you’re camping.
Dryer lint makes surprisingly good kindling for starting campfires. Collect some lint from your clothes dryer to bring with you. An easy way to remember to save up your lint is to keep a plastic bag near your dryer as a reminder. By doing this, you’ll be able to collect the kindling on the day you’re taking the trip.
Even the most natural experience can allow for one nice luxury from home. Take something that is lightweight, like a chocolate bar or coffee creamer. A small luxury that reminds you of home can be uplifting.
A roll of duct tape is a very important piece of camping equipment. It works quickly for inflatable leaks, tent holes, worn soles on shoes, sealing mosquito nets, securing tent poles, and so much more.
Purchase some pillows that are made for camping prior to going on your trip. If you use your bedroom pillows, the humid weather will make them feel hot and sticky. Because they absorb moisture from the air, they can quickly mildew. Pillows designed for camping offer a coating that prevents moisture absorption.
Armed with the proper information, you can now begin to plan your next adventure. You will be an expert in no tome at all if you take the tips in this article to heart. No matter if you camp in a distant region or in your own backyard, do whatever is necessary to have a terrific time.